Thursday, December 13, 2018

For The Holidays

Every year, I face the end of the year trying to be SANE when everything plays with my head.

My ReSolve: I had the bariatric surgery in October. Since then I have had to analyze my food intake and try to understand why I eat (overeat) and how I can stop. I have missed many foods, but I know there are some I can no longer put into my mouth, because if I do, I will never stop. 
Harsh reality, that one is.

For this Christmas, I want everything to stop being so HARD. I want things to have a Happy Ending.
I want my house to stop needing repairs when I can least afford it. I want friends in my life to stay and share the journey, not show up every now and then, do an act of kindness and then disappear. I want my children to be happy.

I do have a compliment to give to myself. I hurt less due to eating better, exercise, building up my endurance, and finding a balance.

So why does depression come for the holidays? Because, I fear, it always has. 
In my family of birth, Christmas wasn't very happy. I didn't have the snow globe ideal.
So I feel my depression.  For me, it could be The 12 Days of Getting Through.

Be strong my fellow Depression Heads, we are all in this together. 

  My Wire Mesh Christmas Tree  CBJJ

#community  #take a moment  #the holidays are hard  #art  #this Christmas  #coping


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